Upcoming Events
People’s Market Missoula all Saturdays May 1st-September 9am-1pm permanent spot to the left of the Thomas Meagher Bar on Pine Street. I will be there weekends where there is not another event listed and weather dependent.
Helena Farmer's Market Aug 31st, other dates TBD
Prairie Sisters Vintage Market Sept 7th-Fort Missoula 9am-4pm
406 Consignary Kalispell Sept 20th-22nd-Fairgrounds Kalispell Friday 6pm-9pm Presale Pass, Saturday 9am-4pm, Sunday 9am-2pm
406 Consignary Great Falls Oct 4th-6th -Fairgrounds Great Falls Friday 6pm-9pm Presale Pass, Saturday 9am-4pm, Sunday 9am-2pm
406 Consignary Bozeman Oct 11th-13th-Fairgrounds Bozeman Friday 6pm-9pm Presale Pass, Saturday 9am-4pm, Sunday 9am-2pm
Upcountry Vintage Market Oct 19th- Fairgrounds in Helena 9am-4pm
406 Consignary Helena Oct 25th-27th Fairgrounds Helena Friday 6pm-9pm Presale Pass, Saturday 9am-4pm, Sunday 9am-2pm
406 Consignary Missoula Nov. 1st-3rd Fairgrounds Missoula Friday 6pm-9pm Presale Pass, Saturday 9am-4pm, Sunday 9am-2pm
Prairie Sisters Vintage Market Nov 8th-9th Missoula Fairgrounds, Friday 6-8pm, Saturday 10am-4pm
Little Red Truck Vintage Market Dec 6th & 7th Missoula Fairgrounds, Friday 6-8pm, Saturday 10am-4pm